
Grants and Contracts

Since the inception of MARC in 1979, faculty, staff, and students have engaged in hundreds of projects, grants, and contracts. These academic, scholarly, and contractual activities represent a wide spectrum of interests. Over the years, MARC has studied the natural environment, using satellite imagery for mineral exploration, land cover change, and urban realms analysis. Other projects have examined regional demographics, economic development, and labor force characteristics. Considerable effort has been given towards the study of watershed environments, the effects of non-point source pollution, and the host of concerns surrounding large reservoirs, namely Kentucky Lake and Lake Barkley.

The MARC Associates invite everyone to review our grants and contracts vitae, listed below.

2006 - 2007

  • AgForest Partners, Inc.: Establishing a Geographic Information System to Formulate a Management Strategy for the Fulton County Levee
  • Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice/Eastern Kentucky University: Kentucky Community Critical Infrastructure Protection Laboratory鈥擲imulations of Catastrophic Events and Associated Emergency Response Planning
  • Kentucky Space Grant Consortium: Campus Objectives Grant
  • Kentucky Space Grant Consortium: Landscape Ecology
  • Kentucky Science and Technology Corporation: Taplogic, Year 2
  • Plangraphics, Inc.: An R & D Voucher Business Proposal for Enhanced Wetland Imagery Products
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service/LBL NRA: Creating a Geographic Information System (GIS) for LBL, Year 6
  • U.S. Enrichment Corporation: Hazards Assessment Update for Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant
  • U.S. Office of Personnel Management: Interpersonnel Services Agreement, Fort Campbell, KY, Year 10

2005 - 2006

  • AgForest Partners, Inc.: Establishing a Geographic Information System to Formulate a Management Strategy for the Fulton County Levee
  • ARINC, Inc.: Land Classification Analysis
  • ConnectKentucky: Mapping of Households without Broadband Access within the Commonwealth of Kentucky
  • Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice/Eastern Kentucky University: Kentucky Community Critical Infrastructure Protection Laboratory鈥擲imulations of Catastrophic Events and Associated Emergency Response Planning
  • Kentucky Science and Technology Corporation: Taplogic, Year 1
  • Kentucky Space Grant Consortium: Campus Objectives Grant
  • Plangraphics, Inc.: An R & D Voucher Business Proposal for Enhanced Wetland Imagery Products
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service/LBL NRA: Creating a Geographic Information System (GIS) for LBL, Year 5
  • U.S. Enrichment Corporation: Hazard Assessment Update at Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Revision Number 1
  • U.S. Office of Personnel Management: Interpersonnel Services Agreement, Fort Campbell, KY, Year 10

2004 - 2005

  • ARINC, Inc.: Land Classification Analysis
  • Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice/Eastern Kentucky University: Kentucky Community Critical Infrastructure Protection Laboratory鈥擲imulations of Catastrophic Events and Associated Emergency Response Planning
  • Kentucky Space Grant Consortium: Campus Objectives Grant
  • National Science Foundation/Kentucky EPSCoR Program: Center for Watershed Environments at 麻豆社 State University
  • Plangraphics, Inc.: An R & D Voucher Business Proposal for Enhanced Wetland Imagery Products
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service/LBL NRA: Creating a Geographic Information System (GIS) for LBL, Year 4
  • U.S. Enrichment Corporation: Hazard Assessment Update at Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant
  • U.S. Office of Personnel Management: Interpersonnel Services Agreement, Fort Campbell, KY, Year 9

2003 - 2004

  • ARINC, Inc.: Geographic Information Systems Tools Analysis
  • Kentucky Space Grant Consortium: Campus Objectives Grant
  • NASA/Kentucky Space Grant Consortium: Satellite Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (Teacher Workshop)
  • National Science Foundation: The Arctic LTER Project鈥擳errestrial and Freshwater Research on Ecological Controls, Year 5
  • National Science Foundation: Biogeochemical and Ecological Processes within a Reservoir Littoral Zone, Year 5
  • National Science Foundation/Kentucky EPSCoR Program: Center for Watershed Environments at 麻豆社 State University
  • Plangraphics, Inc./The Innovation Group, Kentucky Science &Technology Corporation:   Development of Value-added Commercial Data Products from High Resolution Commercial Satellite Imagery
  • University of Kentucky/U.S. Department of Agriculture: Variable Rate Nitrogen Management, Year 2
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service/LBL NRA: Creating a Geographic Information System (GIS) for LBL, Year 3
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service/LBL NRA: An Evaluation of the Turkey Bay Off Highway Vehicle Area Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area
  • U.S. Office of Personnel Management: Interpersonnel Services Agreement, Fort Campbell, KY, Year 8
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service/LBL : Surveying Cerulean Warblers and Selected Forest Interior Birds of Conservation Concern in the Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area (LBL)

2002 - 2003

  • Kentucky Space Grant Consortium: Campus Objectives Grant
  • Kentucky Space Grant Consortium: An Integrated Study Using Remote Sensing, GIS, and Geophysical Techniques for Mapping Structural Features
  • Kentucky NASA-EPSCoR: Early Detection of Nitrogen-Deficiency in Agricultural Crops and Mapping of Forest Vegetation Species Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
  • National Science Foundation: The Arctic LTER Project鈥擳errestrial and Freshwater Research on Ecological Controls, Year 4
  • National Science Foundation: Biogeochemical and Ecological Processes within a Reservoir Littoral Zone, Year 4
  • National Science Foundation/Kentucky EPSCoR Program: Center for Watershed Environments at 麻豆社 State University
  • University of Kentucky/U.S. Department of Agriculture: Variable Rate Nitrogen Management
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service/LBL NRA: Creating a Geographic Information System (GIS) for LBL, Year 2
  • U.S. Department of Commerce/Economic Development Administration: Mitigation Planning
  • U.S. Office of Personnel Management: Interpersonnel Services Agreement, Fort Campbell, KY, Year 7

2001 - 2002

  • Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources: Copperbelly Snake Habitat Change Study
  • Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources: Vegetation Mapping for Kentucky GAP, Year 5
  • Kentucky Space Grant Consortium: Campus Objectives Grant
  • Kentucky Space Grant Consortium: An Integrated Study Using Remote Sensing, GIS, and Geophysical Techniques for Mapping Structural Features
  • Kentucky NASA-EPSCoR: Early Detection of Nitrogen-Deficiency in Agricultural Crops and Mapping of Forest Vegetation Species Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
  • The Nature Conservancy: NPS Mammoth Cave Landsat Project
  • The Nature Conservancy: NPS Mammoth Cave Ikonos Project
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture/Food and Agriculture Organization: Indian Fellows--Remote Sensing and GIS Training
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service/LBL NRA: Creating a Geographic Information System (GIS) for LBL
  • U.S. Department of Commerce/Economic Development Administration: Mitigation Planning
  • U.S. Office of Personnel Management: Interpersonnel Services Agreement, Fort Campbell, KY, Year 6

2000 - 2001

  • Clear Springs Fire Department: Certification of Water Sources for Rural Fire ProtectionFarming Volunteer Fire Department: Certification of Water Sources for Rural Fire Protection
  • Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources: Copperbelly Snake Habitat Change Study
  • Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources: Vegetation Mapping for Kentucky GAP, Year 4
  • Kentucky Space Grant Consortium: Campus Objectives Grant Kentucky Space Grant Consortium: Western Kentucky Geographic Information System NASA/EPSCoR: Establishment of a Research Cluster-Commercialization of Remote Sensing in Kentucky
  • U.S. Office of Personnel Management: Interpersonnel Services Agreement, Fort Campbell, KY, Year 5
  • Vanderbilt Chemical: Waterfowl and Bald Eagle Ecology at Ballard County WildlifeManagement Area for the Olmsted Lock and Dam Project--ARC/INFO Geographic Information System

1999 - 2000

  • Big Sandy Area Resources Conservation & Development: Johns Creek Watershed
  • Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources: Vegetation Mapping for Kentucky GAP, Year 3
  • Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources: Partners in Flight
  • Kentucky Division of Disaster & Emergency Services: Western Kentucky Access Route Prioritization, Year 7
  • Kentucky Space Grant Consortium: Campus Objectives Grant
  • Kentucky Space Grant Consortium: Environmental Change Detection Using Multitemporal Remote Sensing and GIS Systems in Western Kentucky
  • National Geographic Societyt/Kentucky Geographic Alliance: Summer Geography Institute 2000
  • U.S. Office of Personnel Management: Interpersonnel Services Agreement, Fort Campbell, KY, Year 4
  • Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources: Waterfowl and Bald Eagle Ecology at Ballard County Wildlife Management Area for the Olmsted Lock and Dam Project--ARC/INFO Geographic Information System
  • West Kentucky Corporation: Ecotourism in the WKC Service Region/Webpage

1998 - 1999

  • Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources: Vegetation Mapping for Kentucky GAP, Year 2
  • Kentucky National Science Foundation/Experimental Program to Stimulate Cooperative Research:  Environmental Change Detection in Land Between the Lakes Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems
  • Kentucky Space Grant Consortium: Environmental Change Detection Using Thematic Mapper Simulator (TMS) and MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS) Data--Mapping of Hurricane Marilyn's Damage on St. Croix Island
  • McLean County Fiscal Court: Green River Floodplain Boundary
  • Private Industry: Industrial Exploration
  • Private Industry: Industrial Exploration
  • National Geographic Society/Kentucky Geographic Alliance: Summer Geography Institute '99
  • Tennessee Valley Authority/Land Between the Lakes: Identification of Potential Habitat for State and Federally Listed Animals on TVA's Land Between the Lakes
  • U.S. Office of Personnel Management: Interpersonnel Services Agreement, Fort Campbell, KY, Year 3
  • Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources: Waterfowl and Bald Eagle Ecology at Ballard County Wildlife Management Area for the Olmsted Lock and Dam Project--ARC/INFO Geographic Information System
  • West Kentucky Corporation: Ecotourism in the WKC Service Region

1997 - 1998

  • Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources: Vegetation Mapping for Kentucky GAP
  • Kentucky Department of Education: Geography Summer Institute
  • Kentucky Division of Disaster & Emergency Services: Western Kentucky Access Route Prioritization, Year 6 (pending)
  • Kentucky Space Grant Consortium: Land Cover Mapping of Western Puerto Rico Using MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS) Data
  • Kentucky-Tennessee Clay Company: Analysis of Remotely Sensed Data for Mineral Exploration
  • Kentucky Utilities Company: Labor Market Analysis
  • Lockheed Martin Utility Services, Inc.: PGDP Hazard Assessment Update
  • Microsoft Corporation: Instructional Lab Grant Program
  • National Aeronautics & Space Administration: Hyperspectral Remote Sensing & Ecological Modeling Research and Education at the Mid-America Remote sensing Center--Field and Laboratory Enhancement
  • United States Office of Personnel Management: Interpersonnel Services Agreement, Fort Campbell KY, Year 2
  • Waterfowl & Bald Eagle Ecology at Ballard County Wildlife Management Area for the Olmsted Lock & Dam Project: ARC/INFO Geographic Information System
  • West Kentucky Corporation: Production of Labor Force Statistics and Maps

1996 - 1997

  • Calloway County Fire and Rescue: Areas Covered by Fire Protection in Calloway County, Kentucky
  • Commonwealth of Kentucky--Natural Resources & Environmental Protection Cabinet, Division of Water: A Land Use/Land Cover Classification for the Commonwealth of Kentucky
  • Kentucky Division of Disaster & Emergency Services: Western Kentucky Access Route Prioritization, Year 5
  • Kentucky Utilities: Labor Market Analysis
  • 麻豆社-Calloway County Transit Authority: Mapping of Client Distribution
  • National Geographic Society/Kentucky Geographic Alliance: Summer Geography Institute
  • National Science Foundation (NSF): Enhancement of Mapping Sciences at 麻豆社 State University
  • StrataSearch Corporation: Enhancement and Lineament Analysis of Landsat TM-Data of Central Trace
  • United States Office of Personnel Management: Interpersonnel Services Agreement, Fort Campbell KY
  • Waterfowl & Bald Eagle Ecology at Ballard County Wildlife Management Area for the Olmsted Lock & Dam Project: ARC/INFO Geographic Information System
  • West Kentucky Corporation: The Production of Labor Force Estimates in Western Kentucky and Adjacent States and the Production of Maps Related to Tourism in the WKC

1995 - 1996

  • U.S. Geological Survey/Indiana University: Availability of Coal Resources in Indiana--Dugger and Oakland City 7.5-Minute Quadrangles
  • Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources: Mapping of Past and Present Swamp Rabbit Habitat in Western Kentucky, Year 3
  • Kentucky Division of Disaster & Emergency Services: Western Kentucky Access Route Prioritization, Year 4
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL): GIS Development
  • U.S. Dept. of Agriculture/Natural Resources Conservation Service: Digitizing of Soils in Graves County, KY
  • West Kentucky Corporation: The Production of Labor Force Estimates in Western Kentucky and Adjacent States

1994 - 1995

  • Advance Seed Co.: Analysis of Seed Sales and Climatic Factors
  • Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources: Mapping of Past and Present Swamp Rabbit Habitat in Western Kentucky, Year 2
  • Kentucky Division of Disaster & Emergency Services: Western Kentucky Access Route Prioritization, Year 3
  • Lockheed-Martin Utility Services, Inc: PORTS Hazard Assessment
  • Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.: PGDP EAL Risk Analysis
  • Peoples First Corporation: Mapping of 1990 Census of Population and Housing Data--median income level
  • Peoples First Corporation: Mapping of 1990 Census of Population and Housing Data--family income levels and census tracts and census tract block groups
  • Refuge Exploration Company Inc.: Lineament Analysis
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL): GIS Development
  • U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (Bloomington IN Field Office): Mapping of Habitat for the Northern Copper Belly Water Snake Study (I, II, III, IV)
  • Vanderbilt Chemical Company: Waterfowl and Bald Eagle Ecology at Ballard County Wildlife Management Area for the Olmsted Lock and Dam Project
  • West Kentucky Corporation: Analysis of Civilian Labor Force Estimates in Western Kentucky and Adjacent States

1993 - 1994

  • Calloway County Fire and Rescue: Map Production
  • International Waste Management Systems: Fracture Trace Analysis
  • Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources: Mapping of Past and Present Swamp Rabbit Habitat in Western Kentucky, Year 1
  • Kentucky Division of Disaster & Emergency Services: Western Kentucky Access Route Prioritization, Year 2
  • 麻豆社-Calloway County Chamber of Commerce: Economic Development
  • Peoples First Corporation: Economic Development
  • Tennessee Valley Authority/Land Between the Lakes: Production of Landsat TM Image
  • Tennessee Valley Authority/Land Between the Lakes: Soil Loss in OHV Area
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL): GIS Development
  • U.S. Dept. of Agriculture/Soil Conservation Service: Land Cover Mapping in Dix River & Beech Fork Drainage Basins and Soil Digitization in the Dix River Basin

1992 - 1993

  • Calloway County Fire and Rescue: Sphere of Influence for Fire Stations
  • Center for Reservoir Research: Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems Analyses (Task 6)
  • Kentucky Division of Disaster & Emergency Services: Western Kentucky Access Route Prioritization
  • Kentucky Natural Resources & Environmental Protection Cabinet: Land Cover Mapping for the Eastern and Western Coal Fields
  • Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.: OSHA Procedures Documents
  • Private Industry: Anomaly Analysis
  • Tennessee Valley Authority: Non-point Source Pollution in Urban Areas
  • U.S. Dept. of Agriculture/Soil Conservation Service: Floodprone Analysis and Land Cover Mapping
  • University of Kentucky/Water Resources Research Institute: Development of New Standards for Commonwealth for Leaking Underground Storage Tanks

1991 - 1992

  • Center for Reservoir Research: The Kentucky Lake GIS and Equipment Acquisition
  • Department of Planning & Community Development, City of Paducah: Slope Mapping
  • Kentucky Council on Higher Education: Institute for Teaching Remote Sensing*
  • Kentucky Natural Resources & Environmental Protection Cabinet: Vegetation Stress Analysis
  • Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.: Development of 2-volume document for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant
  • United Nations Environment Programme: Latin American Information Systems and Networks
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/Waterways Experiment Station: Water Quality Modeling
  • U.S. Dept. of Agriculture/Soil Conservation Service: Wetlands Mapping

1990 - 1991

  • Center for Reservoir Research: The Kentucky Lake Geographic Information System
  • Kentucky Council on Higher Education: Institute for Teaching Meteorology
  • Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.: Emergency Squad Training Manual 

1989 - 1990

  • Center for Reservoir Research: The Kentucky Lake Geographic Information System
  • Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.: Emergency Preparedness Program
  • Kentucky Council on Higher Education: Digital Processing and GIS Project
  • U.S. Inter-American Development Bank: Colombian Visiting Scientist Training Project

1988 - 1989

  • Center for Reservoir Research: The Kentucky Lake Geographic Information System
  • United States Army Corps of Engineers: Technology Transfer
  • United States Marine Corps: ELAS/GIS Workshop 

1987 - 1988

  • Center for Reservoir Research: Developing a Data Base Management/Georeferenced Computer System
  • United States Army Corps of Engineers: Technology Transfer
  • United States Marine Corps: ELAS/GIS Workshop 

1986 - 1987

  • Institute for Technology Development (ITD): Applied Remote Sensing

1985 - 1986

  • NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) & University of Illinois: Digital Processing of SIR-B Radar
  • U.S. Dept. of Agriculture/Soil Conservation Service: Remote Sensing in Erosion Inventorying and Monitoring
  • Christa Oil Company: Oil/Gas Exploration

1984 - 1985

  • U.S. Dept. of Agriculture/Soil Conservation Service: Utilizing Thematic Mapper Data in Land Use Management
  • U.S. Dept. of Agriculture/Soil Conservation Service: Geographical Referencing for State Remote Sensing Demonstration Project
  • Tennessee Valley Authority/Land Between the Lakes: Grouse Habitat Study
  • Private Industry: Remote Sensing in Exploration Geology

1983 - 1984

  • Private Industry: Drilling Site Analysis for Petroleum and Gas Occurrences
  • Private Industry: Digital Processing of Lineaments for Oil and Gas Exploration

1982 - 1983

  • U.S. Dept. of Education: Development in an Era of Peace/The Egyptian Experience
  • Christian County Planning Commission: Update of Comprehensive Plan

1981 - 1982

  • Private Industry: Soil Loss through Erosion for the Jackson Purchase Area of Kentucky
  • Kentucky Heritage Commission: A Predictive Archaeological Study for Kentucky's Jackson Purchase Region
  • Kentucky-Tennessee Clay Company: Photogrammetric Demonstration Project III
  • Christian County Planning Commission: Comprehensive Plan
  • U.S. Dept. of Agriculture/Soil Conservation Service: Kentucky Special Resources Study of the Jackson Purchase Physiographic Area MLRA 134
  • Mead Paper Company: Pine Forest Inventory

1980 - 1981

  • Commonwealth of Kentucky: West Kentucky Land Cover Classification--FLORA
  • Kentucky-Tennessee Clay Company: Photogrammetric Demonstration Project I
  • NASA: Application and Processing of Landsat Data
  • NASA Earth Resources Laboratory (ERL): Technology Transfer Short Course
  • Kentucky-Tennessee Clay Company: Photogrammetric Demonstration Project II

1979 - 1980

  • Kentucky Department of Natural Resources: West Kentucky Land Classification
  • NASA Earth Resources Laboratory (ERL): Technology Transfer Short Course

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