
Publications and Presentations

Over the years, MARC Associates have published a multitude of papers, and presented copious amounts of information. Below, we present a list of our publications and presentations.


  1. Cetin, H. and S. Lee (2006). Comparison of USGS and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Digital Elevation Models. The MAPPS/ASPRS (the American Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing) 2006 Specialty Conference San Antonio, Texas November 6 - 10, 2006
  2. Cetin, H. and T. G Mueller (2006).  Simulations of Catastrophic Events and Associated Emergency Response Planning for Mid-America: Phase-III.  The Department of Homeland Security Conference, November 1-2, Washington DC.
  3. Cetin, H. and B. Naugle (2006).  Quake at the Lake: Flood simulations. October 20, 2006,  Paducah, Kentucky.
  4. Cetin, H. (2006).  Simulations of Catastrophic Events and Associated Emergency Response Planning for Mid-America: Phase-II.  The Department of Homeland Security Conference, April 5-6, Washington DC.
  5. Naugle, B., H. Cetin, and K. Richard (2006). Chlorophyll-a Monitoring for Kentucky Lake using Spectroradiometer and LANDSAT Data. The Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education (ORCRE) 2006.


  1. Allsworth-Jones P., Kit W. Wesler, and Michele Bogle-Douglas, Defining the Montego Bay style: a re-consideration of R.L. Vanderwal's work in Jamaica. Presented to the International Association of Caribbean Archaeologists, University of the West Indies-St. Augustine (Trinidad), July 2005.
  2. Cetin, H., J. T. Pafford and T. G. Mueller (2005). Precision Agriculture Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and GIS. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies-RAST2005, Istanbul, Turkey, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Publications  (Invited paper).
  3. Mueller, T.G., H. Cetin, R.A. Fleming, C.R. Dillon, A.D. Karathanasis, and S.A. Shearer (2005). Erosion probability maps: Calibrating precision agriculture data with soil surveys using logistic regression.  Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 60: 462-468.


  1. Cetin, H. (2004).  Comparison of Spaceborne and Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging Systems for Environmental Mapping.  The 20th International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Congress, 12 – 23 July 2004, Istanbul, Turkey (Invited paper).
  2. Cetin, H., and T.G Mueller (2004).  Hyperspectral Data Analysis for Detection of Nitrogen Deficiency in Corn. The 20th Annual Louisiana Remote Sensing and GIS Conference, Lafayette, LA, April 20-22, 2004.
  3. Werstak, C., Paul Maus, Jane Benson, and W. David Jones (2004). Mid-Level Mapping: Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area. United States Department of Agriculture - Forest Service - Engineering; Remote Sensing Applications Center, October, 2004
  4. Yurista, P.M., D.S. White, G.W. Kipphut, K. Johnston, G. Rice, and S.P. Hendricks. 2004. Nutrient patterns in a mainstem reservoir, Kentucky Lake, USA, over a 10-year period. Lake and Reservoir Management 20(2):148-163.
  5. Zhang, Q. and Wang, J., 2004. Urban landscape characterization using multispectral satellite sensor data. Presented at the 100th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG), Philadelphia, PA, USA, March 14-19, 2004.


  1. Cetin, H. (2003).  Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the Internet.  The Internet Encyclopedia, Hossein Bidgoli (Editor).  John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Volume 2:23-37.
  2. Wethington, K., T. Kind, T. Derting, & H. Whiteman.  2003.  A GAP Analysis of Kentucky: KY—GAP, Final Report.  U.S. Department of Interior, U.S. Geological Survey.
  3. Wethington, K., T. Kind, T. Derting, & H. Whiteman.  2003.  A GAP Analysis of Kentucky: KY—GAP, Final Report.  U.S. Department of Interior, U.S. Geological Survey.
  4. Zhang, Q., Wang, J., Gong, P. and Shi, P., 2003. Urban spatial pattern analysis from SPOT panchromatic imagery using textural analysis. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 24, No.21, 4137-4160.


  1. Mueller, T.G., H. Cetin, A.D. Karathanasis, and P.L. Cornelius (2002).  Enhancing Soil Survey Quality with Hyperspectral Imagery.  The 6th International Conference on Precision Agriculture and Other Precision Resources Management, July 14-17, 2002, Minneapolis, Minnesota PDF CD.
  2. Cetin, H., T.G Mueller, and G. A. Carter (2002).  Comparison of IKONOS and RDACS Imagery for Detection of Nitrogen Deficiency in Corn.  The 2002 High Spatial Resolution Commercial Imagery Workshop, the USGS Headquarters in Reston, Virginia 25 - 27 March 2002.
  3. Kind, T.  2002.  Land Between the Lakes, Kentucky, Tennessee: Four Decades of Tennessee Valley Authority Stewardship.  Edited by E. Chester and J. Fralish, Miscellaneous Publication Number 16, The Center for Field Biology, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN, pp. 217-19, 237-49.


  1. Drew, M., G. Ghitter, & T. Kind.  Vegetation Map of Kentucky.  Poster paper, National GAP Meeting, Brookings, SD, June 2001.
  2. Kavak, K. S. and Cetin, H., (2001). A lineament analysis using Landsat TM data of Gölmarmara/Manisa region, Turkey.  Fourth International Turkish Geology Symposium Symposium : Work in Progress on the Geology of Turkey and its surroundings, Abstracts book, 24-28 September 2001, Adana, p.335.
  3. Robinson, V. B. and H. Cetin (2001).  An Exploratory Geographical Analysis of Forest Land Cover Transitions in the LBL National Recreation Area 1973-1995.  American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Conference, 23-27 April, 2001, St. Louis, Missouri. PDF-CD.
  4. Yurista, P.M., K. Johnston, G. Rice, G.W. Kipphut, and D.S. White. 2001. Particulate organic carbon patterns in a mainstem reservoir, Kentucky Lake, USA.  Lake and Reservoir Management 17(4): 330-340.


  1. Bethel, M., H. Cetin, & W. Spencer. "Use of Vegetative Stress to Indicate Elevated Levels of Toxic Metals in Soil as Determined by Spectral Reflectance Measurements," Second International Conference, Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry, January 10-12, 2000, Lake Buena Vista, FL.
  2. Cetin, H. (2000).  Wetland and Forest Change Mapping and Monitoring Using Multi-temporal Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems in Western Kentucky. Geological Society of America Conference, Reno, Nevada, November 13-16, 2000 (invited paper).
  3. Cetin, H. B. Naugle and K. Richard (2000).  Water Quality Monitoring and Modeling of Kentucky Lake Reservoir: Landsat TM vs Hyperspectral Sensors. Geological Society of America Conference, Reno, Nevada, November 13-16, 2000 (invited paper).
  4. Drew, M., B. Naugle, H. Enander, & T. Kind.  Application of DEM-derived Floodplain Models to Vegetation Mapping in Kentucky.  Poster paper, National Gap Meeting, San Antonio, TX, August 2000.
  5. Ghitter, G., J. Monroe, & T. Kind.  Delineating Grasslands with Multidate Landsat TM Data. Southeast Regional GAP Meeting, Columbia, SC, February 2000.
  6. Kirkman, L.K., P.C. Goebel, L.West, M.B. Drew, & B.J. Palik. "Depressional Wetland Reference Sites: A Question of Plant Community Development," WETLANDS (June 2000).
  7. Kling, G.W., G.W. Kipphut, M.C. Miller, and W.J. O’Brien. 2000. The integration of lakes and streams in a landscape perspective: the importance of material processing on spatial patterns and temporal coherence. Freshwater Biology 43:477-498.
  8. Monroe, J., G.S. Ghitter, & T.C. Kind. "Delineating Grasslands with Multitude Landsat TM Data," Southeast Regional GAP Meeting, Columbia, SC, February 2000.
  9. Weber, N.V., et al. HAZARDS IN THE UNITED STATES, YEAR 7 REPORT to Kentucky Disaster and Emergency Services, 69 pp., 2000.


  1. Cetin, H. "Remote Sensing in the 21st Century: Multispectral vs Hyperspectral Sensors," International Symposium on Remote Sensing and Integrated Technologies, Istanbul, Turkey, October 20-22, 1999.
  2. Drew, M.B. "Kentucky Gap Analysis Project: Statewide Vegetation Mapping Using Remote Sensing and GIS," Invited Speaker, Department of Biological Sciences Seminar Series, February 1999.
  3. Ghitter, G. "Gap Analysis in Kentucky, Year 2," 6th Kentucky GIS Conference, Fort Mitchell, KY, May 2-5, 1999.
  4. Hendricks, S.P., G. Kipphut, & G. Ridout. "Bacterial Productivity and Dissolved Nutrient Flux in Kentucky Lake Sediments," Eighth Symposium on the Natural History of Lower Tennessee and Cumberland River Valleys, Brandon Springs, TN, March 1999.
  5. Hewitt, M. & H. Cetin. "Environmental Change Detection Using Thematic Mapper Simulator (TMS) and MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS) Data: Mapping of Hurricane Marilyn's Damage on St. Croix Island," ASPRS Conference, Oregon, PDF CD 52-63, 1999.
  6. Hobbie, J.E. B.J. Peterson, N. Bettez, L. Deegan, W.J. O'Brien, & G. Kipphut. "Impact of Global Change on Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems of Arctic Freshwaters," American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, February 1999.
  7. Kind, T.C., et al. KENTUCKY LAKE GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (KLGIS) HANDBOOK, Mid-America Remote sensing Center, Â鶹Éç State University, Â鶹Éç, KY, 1999.
  8. Kipphut, G.W., D.S. White, T.C. Kind, S.P. Hendricks, S. White, & T. Johnston. "Transport and Utilization of Organic Carbon in a Large Reservoir," American Society of Limnology & Oceanography, Santa Fe, NM, February 1999.
  9. Kipphut, G.W., D.S. White, T.C. Kind, & S.P. Hendricks. "Transport and Accumulation of Sediment and Carbon in Kentucky Lake Reservoir," North American Lake Management Society, December 1999.
  10. Kipphut, G.W., D.S. White, T.C. Kind, S.P. Hendricks, S.White, & T. Johnston. "Transport and Utilization of Organic Carbon in a Large Reservoir, " American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, February 1999.
  11. Kling, G.W., J.E. Hobbie, P.A. Rublee, G.W. Kipphut, & M. Bahr. "Bacterial Control of DOC -- What Controls Are Really Important at the Ecosystem Level," American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, February 1999.


  1. Cetin, H., & A. Wong. "Land Cover Mapping of Western Puerto Rico Using MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS) Data," ASPRS/RTI Conference, Tampa, FL, PDF CD 83-89, 1998.
  2. Drew, M.B., L.K. Kirkman, & A.K. Gholson. "The Vascular Flora of Ichauway, Baker Co., Georgia: A Remnant Longleaf pine/wiregrass Ecosystem," CASTANEA, 63:1-24, 1998.
  3. Ghitter, G. "Gap Analysis in Kentucky," 5th Kentucky GIS Conference, Somerset, KY, May 17-20, 1998.
  4. Hendricks, S.P., & G.W. Kipphut. "Bacterial Productivity and Dissolved Nutrient and Oxygen Flux in Sediments of Kentucky Lake, a Lower Tennessee River Valley Reservoir," American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, June 1998.
  5. Hoe, H.M., & G.W. Kipphut. "Nutrient and Dissolved Gas Cycling in Arctic Lake Sediments," American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, June 1998.
  6. Kipphut, G.W., & H.M. Hoe. "Sediment-water Chemical Interactions in a Large Reservoir," American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, June 1998.
  7. Kirkman, L.K., M.B. Drew, L.T. West, & E.R. Blood. "Ecotone Characterization between Longleaf pine/wiregrass Stands and Seasonally-ponded Isolated Wetlands," WETLANDS, 18:356-364, 1998.
  8. Weber, N.V., et al. HAZARDS IN THE UNITED STATES, YEAR 6 REPORT, to Kentucky Disaster and Emergency Services, 56 pp., 1998.


  1. Cetin, H. "Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS for Land Cover Change Mapping," GIS/LIS Conference, Cincinnati, OH, 1997.
  2. Hershey, A.E., G.W. Kipphut, et al. "The Kuparuk River: A Long-term Study of Biological and Chemical Processes in an Arctic River," In A.M. Milner and M.W. Oswood (eds.), Freshwaters of Alaska: Ecological Syntheses, Springer, NY, pp. 107-130, 1997.
  3. Kind, T.C., S. White, & C. Davis. "Sedimentation in the Lower Reaches of Kentucky Lake, 1946-1995," Seventh Symposium on The Natural History of the Lower Tennessee and Cumberland River Valleys Long-term Monitoring of Ecosystems, Brandon Springs, TN, February 1997.
  4. Kipphut, G.W., T.C. Johnston, & G.L. Ridout. "Measurement of Sediment-water Chemical Exchange Rates in Kentucky Lake Reservoir," North American Lake Management Society, December 1997.
  5. Kipphut, G.W., G.L. Ridout, T.C. Johnston, H.M. Hoe, & S. Hendricks. "Sediment-water Chemical Exchange in Kentucky Lake Reservoir," Seventh Symposium on The Natural History of Lower Tennessee and Cumberland River Valleys Long-term Monitoring of Ecosystems, Brandon Springs, TN, March 1997.
  6. O'Brien, W.J., G.W. Kipphut, et al. "The Limnology of Toolik Lake," In: A.M. Milner and M.W. Oswood (eds.), Freshwaters of Alaska: Ecological Syntheses, Springer, NY, pp.61-106, 1997.
  7. Weber, N.V., et al. LOCKHEED MARTIN PGDP RISK/HAZARDS ANALYSIS, 43 pp., 1997.
  8. Weber, N.V., et al. HAZARDS IN THE UNITED STATED MODELING, YEAR 5 REPORT, to Kentucky Disaster and Emergency Services, 25 pp., 1997.
  9. Weber, N.V., et al. PGDP RISKS/HAZARDS ANALYSIS, to Lockheed Martin Utility Services, Inc., 14 pp., 1997.


  1. Cetin, H. (1996). Visualization and Interactive Analysis of Multidimensional Image Data. IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science & Technology, San Jose California, 2656: 181-188.
  2. Cetin, H. (1996). An Absolute Classification Technique: Interclass Distance Frequency Distribution (IDFD). Eleventh Thematic Conference on Applied Geologic Remote Sensing, Las Vegas, Nevada, II: 129-132.
  3. Cetin, H., Conolly, C. and Rupp, J. (1996). The Coal Availability Studies in Indiana. Society for Mining Metallurgy and Exploration (SME) Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, 1-4.
  4. Cetin, H. and Conolly, C. (1996). The coal availability study in Indiana: Oakland City 7.5 Minute Quadrangle. Indiana Geological Survey Open File Report 96-19, 71p.
  5. Cetin, H. and Conolly, C. (1996). The coal availability study in Indiana: Dugger 7.5 Minute Quadrangle. Indiana Geological Survey Open File Report 96-9, 80 pp., 1996.
  6. Kind, T.C. "Remote Sensing in Natural Resources Management," Austin Peay State University Lecture Series in Biology, 1996.
  7. Kipphut, G.W., T.C. Johnston, & G.L. Ridout. "Sediment-water Chemical Exchange in Kentucky Lake Reservoir," American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, June 1996.
  8. Kling, G.W., G.W. Kipphut, W.B. Bowden, & K. Edwardson. "Carbon Balance in Arctic Regions: The Role of Lakes and Streams," American Geophysical Union, December 1996.
  9. Weber, N.V., et al. EARTHQUAKE PRIORITY ACCESS ROUTE PROJECT, YEAR 4 REPORT, to Kentucky Disaster and Emergency Services, 33 pp., 1996.


  1. Hobbie, J.E.and G.W. Kipphut, others. 1995, Long-term measurements at the Arctic LTER site, p. 391-409. In: T.M. Powell and J.H. Steele (eds), ECOLOGICAL Time Series. Chapman and Hall, New York.
  2. Weber, N.V., et al., (1995), Portsmouth Enrichment Plant Hazards Assessment to Lockheed Martin energy Systems, Inc. 422. pp
  3. Weber, N.V., et al., (1995), Earthquake Priority Access Route Project--YR#3 Report to KY Disaster and Emergency Services, 52. pp.
  4. Weber, N.V., et al., (1995), Hazard Assessment Document--Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant to Martin Marietta Utility Services, Inc., 392 pp.


  1. Kind, T.C., 1994. "Landcover Mapping Utilizing Remotely Sensed Data: GAP Analysis Conference, Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, Frankfort, KY. November, 1994.
  2. Kind, T.C., 1994. Book Review Geologic Maps: A Practical Guide to the Interpretation and Preparation of Geologic Maps, AMERICAN CONGRESS ON SURVEYING AND MAPPING: Jan/April, 1994.
  3. Weber, N.V., et al., (1994). Earthquake Priority Access Route Project--YR#2 Report, to KY Disaster and Emergency Services, 46 pp.


  1. Peterson, B.J., and others. 1993. Biological responses of a tundra river to fertilization. ECOLOGY 74:653-672.
  2. Kind, T.C., J.M. Jones, P.E. Bomba, and B.I. Naugle, 1993. The Kentucky Lake Geographic Information System, Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on the natural history of the Lower Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers. LBL, KY, March 5,6, 1993. Abstract, p.41.
  3. Kind, T.C., J.M. Jones, P.E. Bomba, and B.I. Naugle, 1993. The Kentucky Lake Geographic Information System, Proceedings of the Symposium on Geographic Information Systems and Water Resources, American Water Resources Association Spring Convention, Mobile, Alabama, March 14-18, 1993, pp. 9-25, 583-586.
  4. Weber, N.V., et al., (1993). Calvert City Multi-Media Project--Vegetation Stress Analysis to Kentucky natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet, 28 pp.
  5. Weber, N.V., et al., (1993). Earthquake Priority Access Route Project--YR#1 Report, to KY Disaster and Emergency Services, 17 pp.


  1. Kipphut, G.W., and S.C. Whaley. 1992. Access pipes for sampling trough thick ice. HYDROBIOLOGIA 240:267-269.
  2. Cornwell, J.C., and G.W. Kipphut, 1992. Biogeochemistry of manganese- and iron-rich sediments in Toolik Lake, Alaska. HYDROBIOLOGIA 240:45-59.
  3. Kling, G.W., G.W. Kipphut, and M.C. Miller. 1992. The flux of CO2 and CH4 from lakes and rivers in Arctic Alaska. HYDROBIOLOGIA 240:23-36.
  4. Sugai, S.F., and G.W. Kipphut, 1992. The influence of light and nutrient addition upon the sediment chemistry of iron in an Arctic lake. HYDROBIOLOGIA 240:91-101.
  5. O'Brien, W.J.,A.E. Hershey, J.E. Hobbie, M.A. Hullar, G.W. Kippphut, M.C. Miller, B. Moller, and J.R. Vestal. 1992. Control mechanisms of Arctic lake ecosystems: a limnocorral experiment. HYDROBIOLOGIA 240:143-188.
  6. Ertep, S.A., L.A. Bartolucci, B.I. Naugle, and T.Ck. Kind, 1992. Effects of Initial Cluster Center Location on the Performance of Isodata Clustering Algorithms. TECHNICAL PAPERS ASPRS/ACSM/RT92, 4: 197-205.
  7. Kind, T.C., 1992. Mapping Applications Resource Center, PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSING, 58(8) 1165.
  8. Naugle, B.I. and Lashlee, J.D. Alleviating Topographic Influences on Land-Cover Classifications for Mobility and Combat Modeling, PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING & REMOTE SENSING, Vol. 58, No. 8, pp. 1217-1221, 1992.
  9. Weber, N.V., et al., (1992). Hazards Assessment Document to Martin-Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., 171 pp.
  10. Weber, N.V., et al., (1992). Emergency Action Level Matrix, to Martin-Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., 107 pp.


  1. Kling, G.W., G.W. Kipphut, and M.C. Miller. 1991. Arctic lakes and streams as gas conduits to the atmosphere: implications for tundra carbon budgets. SCIENCE 251:298-301.
  2. Yang, X.L., L.A. Bartolucci, T.C. Kind, and W.F. Smith, 1991. "A Geographic Information System to Locate A Dam and to Simulate The Reservoir Capacity for Agricultural Irrigation and Potable Water Supply in Santa Cruz, Bolivia." 5th Latin American Symposium on Remote Sensing, Cuzco, Peru.
  3. Kind, T.C., P.E. Bomba, F.J. Edberg, J.G. Primicias, J.B. Ratley, and T.C. Marcum, 1991. "Utilizing Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) Digital Data to Determine Areas to be Designated as Wetlands," Seventh Annual Scientific Symposium of The Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education, Poster Paper, Cadiz, KY, Dec. 1-3, 1991.
  4. Kind, T.C., P.E. Bomba, B.I. Naugle, and S.M. Jones, 1991. "The Kentucky Lake Geographic Information System," Seventh Annual Scientific Symposium of the Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education, Poster Paper, Cadiz, KY, Dec. 1-3, 1991.
  5. Benson, J.l., M.M. Jones, V.L. Shelby, and T.C. Kind, 1991. Remotely Sensed Data/Geographic Information Systems for Site Evaluation. Abstract in Proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, The Society of Engineering and Mineral Exploration Geophysicists, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, pp. 113-116.
  6. Mueller, G.M., L.A. Bartolucci, T.C. Kind, and K. Carstens, 1991. Image Processing of Landsat Data and a Geographic Information Approach for Mapping and Analysis of the Nazca Lines, PROCEEDINGS of the 5th Latin American Symposium on Remote Sensing, Cuzco, Peru, 1: 1074-1081.
  7. Kind, T.C., V.L. Shelby, and P.W. Whaley, 1991. Formation of Jones-Keeney Natural Bridge, Transactions of the KY Acad. Sci., 52(3-4): 140-145.
  8. Shelby, V.L., Kind, T.C. and Whaley P. Jones-Keeney Natural Bridge, TRANS. KY ACAD. SCI., September 1991
  9. Al-Hussaini, A., Weber, N.V., et al., (1991). Effects of Radiometric Calibration, Bandwidth and Solar-Irradiance Normalization of Landsat TM Data on the Performance of Isodata Clustering Algorithms, V. Simposio de Latino Americano de Percepcion Remota, Cuzco, Peru, October 28, 1991.
  10. Wen, J., Weber, N.V., et al., (1991). A Geographic Information System for Prioritizing Access Routes Between Specific Earthquake Affected Areas and Designated Resource/Supply Centers, V Simposio de Latino Americano de Percepcion Remota, Cuzco, Peru, October 28, 1991.
  11. Weber, N.V., "Developing an integrated automated emergency management information system for industrial hazard planning and response," Kentucky Oil and Gas Association, Fifty-fifth Annual Meeting, Owensboro, KY, June 7, 1991.
  12. Weber, N.V., et al., 1991 Emergency Squad Training Manual, to Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., 232 pp.


  1. Kipphut, G.W. 1990. Glacial meltwater input to the Alaska coastal current: evidence from oxygen isotope measurements. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL Research 95:5177-5181.
  2. Kipphut, G.W. and S.F. Sugai, 1990. Radium concentrations in drinking waters of the Fairbanks, Alaska region. THE NORTHERN ENGINEER 22(4): 11-14.
  3. Kind., T.C. et al., "The Kentucky Lake Geographic Information system," Kentucky Water Resources Symposium, Lexington, KY, November 1990.
  4. Lu, J., P. Bomba, and T. Kind, A microcomputer-based Geographic Information System for forest fire management. TECHNICAL PAPERS ACSM-ASPRS ANNUAL CONVENTION GIS/LIS. Denver, CO.. 3:180-192, 1990.
  5. Weber, N.V., et al., 1990, Earthquake Emergency Management Program for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Technical Report, to Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., 1046 pp.
  6. Weber, N.V., "Earthquake Planning," U.S. - D.O.E Emergency Preparedness Training Resources and Data Exchange Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, April 24-26, 1990.


  1. Bartolucci, L.A., B.I. Naugle, Q.Li, J.Lu, and C.M. Cobb, "Comparative Evaluation of a Single Pass and an ISODATA Clustering Algorithm Using Simulated Image Data," PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH LATIN AMERICAN SYMPOSIUM ON REMOTE SENSING, Bariloche, Argentina, November, 20-24, 1989.
  2. Cline, B.N., N.V. Weber, and L.A. Bartolucci, "A Comparison of the Accuracy and Efficiency of Normal and Video Digitizing Techniques for GIS Data Capture," PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH LATIN AMERICAN SYMPOSIUM ON REMOTE SENSING, Bariloche, Argentina, November 20-24, 1989.
  3. Kind, T.C., et al., "The Kentucky Lake Geographic Information System," Kentucky Water Resources Symposium, Lexington, Kentucky, November, 1989.
  4. Mueller, G.E., L.A. Bartolucci, T.C. Kind, B.I. Naugle, N.V. Weber, R.P. da Cunha, and W. Danjoy, "Statistical Orientation of the Nazca Lines Derived from Digital Satellite Imagery," PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH AMERICAN SYMPOSIUM ON REMOTE SENSING, Bariloche, Argentina, November 20-24, 1989.
  6. Weber, N.V., et al., "Developing and Integrated Automated Emergency Management Information System for Natural Hazard Planning and Response," IV SIMPOSIO LATINO-AMERICANO EN PERCEPCION REMOTA, Bariloche, Argentina, November 19-24, 1989.
  7. Weber, N.V., et al., "A Comparison of Accuracy and Efficiency of Manua and Video Digitizing Techniques for GIS Data Capture," IV SIMPOSIO LATINO-AMERICANO EN PERCEPCION REMOTA, Bariloche, Argentina, November 19-24, 1989.


  1. Bartolucci, L.A., M. Chang, P.E. Anuta, and M.R. Graves, "Atmospheric Effects on Landsat TM Thermal IR Data," IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING JOURNAL, Vol.25, No.2, pp.171-176, March, 1988.
  2. Bartolucci, L.A., and M. Chang, "Look-up Tables to Convert Landsat TM Thermal IR Data to Water Surface Temperatures," GEOCARTOINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, Vol.3, No.3, pp.61-67, September, 1988.
  3. Clark, P.J. and L.A. Bartolucci, "A Liberal Arts View of Science: An Honors Seminar in Science at Â鶹Éç State University," PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COHERENCE IN THE LIBERAL ARTS CURRICULUM, Abstract, North Texas State University, Denton, Texas, October 20-22, 1988.
  4. Cobb, C.M., L.A. Bartolucci, T.C. Kind, B.I. Naugle, "Performance Evaluation of Iterative and Single-Pass Clustering Algorithms," PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRD LATIN AMERICAN SYMPOSIUM ON REMOTE SENSING, Acapulco, Mexico, December 5-9, 1988.
  5. Groshong, R.H. Jr., and S.I. Usdansky, "Kinematic Models of Flat-Roofed Duplex Styles," GSA SPEC. Paper 222, 1988.
  6. Kind, T.C., B.I. Naugle, et al., "A GIS for Â鶹Éç State University's Center of Excellence for Reservoir Research," Mid-South Region Fall Technical Meeting, ASPRS, Lexington, Kentucky, October, 1988.
  7. Major, J., and S.I. Usdansky, "Utilization of Landsat TM and Geophysical Data for Hydrocarbon Exploration," Abstract, Kentucky Oil and Gas Association, 1988.
  8. Naugle, B.I. and P. Bomba, 1988, "Incorporating Attribute Files (DBASE III) in the ELAS GIS Package," Abstract in: PROCEEDINGS, GIS/LIS 1988, San Antonio, Texas.
  9. Usdansky, S.I., "Two-Stage Model for Graben Evaluation," GSA ABS PROG, 1988.
  10. Usdansky, S.I., "Microcomputers in Structural Geology," 100th Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Denver, CO., October, 1988.


  1. Bartolucci, L.A., M. Chang, and M.R. Graves, "Atmospheric Effects on Landsat TM Thermal IR Data," PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING SYMPOSIUM(IGARSS-87), pp.1263-1268, Vol.II, IEEE87CH2434-9, Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 18-21, 1987.
  2. Bartolucci, L.A., "Success in Today's Inter-Dependent World," SPECTRUM, College of Science Annual Publication, Â鶹Éç State University, Molly Ross, Editor, pp.8-12, 1987.
  3. Bartolucci, L.A., "Latin American Remote Sensing Symposium: A Review," PHOTOGRAMMETRIA, JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, Vol.41, No.4, pp.:260-261, ISSN 0031-8663, September, 1987.
  4. Bartolucci, L.A., M. Chang, G. Boggess, and N.V. Weber, "Effects of Atmospheric Transmittance and Path Radiance on TM Thermal IR Data for Tropical Regions," Abstract, CIAF JOURNAL, Inter-American Photo- Interpretation Center, Bogota, Colombia, November, 1987.
  5. Cobb, C.M., D.W. Eichert, L.A. Bartolucci, and N.V. Weber, "Digital Geographic Information System Technology for the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Presented at the Kentucky Academy of Science Meeting, November, 1987.
  6. Naugle, B.I. and W. McGuyer, 1987, Statistical Sampling for Assessing Land Cover Classification Accuracy, Presented at Kentucky Academy of Sciences, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky.
  7. Pereira da Cunha, R., R.P. Martini, L.A. Bartolucci, J.C. Moreira, and A.T. Tardin, "The Nazca Lines Viewed by Satellites: Were the Gods Remote Sensing Specialists?" PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1987 LATIN AMERICAN SYMPOSIUM ON REMOTE SENSING, Bogota, Colombia, November, 16-20, 1987.
  8. Usdansky, Steven L., "Some Topological and Combinational Properties of c-Component(c+4)-Phase Multisystem Nets," MATHEMATICAL GEOLOGY, Vol.19, No.8, pp.793-805, 1987.


  1. Bartolucci, L.A. and N.V. Weber, "Design of Digital Geographic Information Systems from Latin America," PROCEEDINGS OF THE IV BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON REMOTE SENSING AND VI PLENARY MEETING OF SELPER, Gramado, Brazil, August 10-15, 1986.
  2. Green, N.L., Si.I. Usdansky, J.L. Atwood, and J.J. Dechter, 1986, "Occurrence and Characterization of Barium-Vanadium Muscovite from the Higgins Ferry Formation, Northern Alabama Piedmont," GEOL. SOC. AMER. ABS. PROG., v.. 18, p. 224.
  3. Groshong, R.H. Jr., and S.I. Usdansky, 1986, "Deformation in Thrust-Ramp Anticlines and Duplexes: Implications for Geometry and Porosity," AAPG BULL., v. 70, p. 597.
  4. Kind, T. C., J.D. Mikulcik, B.I. Naugle, and N.V. Weber, 1986. "County Reliable Land Cover and Soil Erosion Inventories." Edited by A. Voss, In REMOTE SENSING AND LAND INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN THE TENNESSEE VALLEY REGION. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Falls Church, Virginia, pp. 52-66.
  5. Kind, T. C., J.L. Benson, R.L. Lowe, and M.E. Cope, "Remote Sensing of Ruffed Grouse Habitat in the Kentucky Portion of Land Between the Lakes, TVA, Utilizing Landsat MSS and TM Data Sets." TECHNICAL PAPERS, 1986. Fall Convention ACSM/ASPRS. Anchorage, Alaska, pp. 322-334, 1986.
  6. Naugle, B.I., A. Werner, and G. Richter, Multitemporal Thematic Mapper Land Cover Classification and Erosion Analysis for Bitburger Gutland, Rheinland-Pfalz, West Germany, Abstract in: PROCEEDINGS AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, ISBN 0-037294-76-4, p. 381, 1986.
  7. Usdansky, S.I., "PERANORM - A Basic Program to Calculate a Modal Norm for Peraluminous Granitoids," COMPUTERS AND GEOSCIENCES, V. 12, No. 1, pp. 13-20, 1986.
  8. Weber, N.V., et al., 1986, "Developing a Computer-Assisted Seismic Risk Assessment Model for the New Madrid Earthquake Zone," PROCEEDINGS OF THE EARTH SCIENCE CONSIDERATIONS FOR EARTHQUAKE HAZARDS REDUCTION IN THE CENTRAL UNITED STATES, March 25-26, 1986 (US Geological Survey; Reston, Virginia) Open File Report 86-425, pp. 150-160.
  9. Weber, N.V., "Living on the Fault Line," Earthquake Awareness Conference, Central United States Earthquake Consortium, FEMA; Paducah, Kentucky; February 10, 1986.
  10. Weber, N.V., "Developing a Computer-Assisted Seismic Risk Assessment Model for the New Madrid Earthquake Zone," Earth Science Considerations for Earthquake Hazards Reduction in the Central United States, US Geological Survey; Nashville, Tennessee; March 25-26, 1986.
  11. Weber, N.V., "New Madrid Earthquake Background/History," Governor's Earthquake Hazards Safety Technical Advisory Panel Conference; Frankfort, Kentucky; April 9, 1986.


  1. Bartolucci, L.A., P.E. Anuta, and D.F. Lozano, "Evaluation of the TM-5 Thermal IR Band Radiometric Calibration for Water Temperature Mapping," PROCEEDINGS OF THE ELEVENTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MACHINE PROCESSING OF REMOTELY SENSED DATA, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 1985.
  2. Bartolucci, L.A., "Calibration of Landsat-5 TM Thermal IR Data," PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON REMOTE SENSING," Baghdad, Iraq., October 26-28, 1985.
  3. Kind, T.C., and V.L. Shelby, "The Origin of Mantle Rock, Livingston County, Kentucky, "TRANS. KY. ACAD.SCI.,46:1-2,PP.22-27, 1985.
  5. Kind, T.C., CENTRAL UNITED STATES EARTHQUAKE CONSORTIUM: THE FIRST YEAR, 1 map and 2 overlays, December, 1985.
  6. Malaret Erick, L.A. Bartolucci, D.F. Lozana, P.E. Anuta, and C.D. McGillem, "Landsat-4 and Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper Quality Analysis," PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSING, Vol. LI, No.9, pp:1407-1416, September, 1985.
  7. Naugle, B.I., et al., Comparing USLE Derived Potential Erosion Estimates, National Resource Inventory Data versus Classified LANDSAT TM Data and Digitized Soil Information, Soil Conservation Society of America, National Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, 1985.
  8. Naugle, B.I., J. Mikculcik, J. Benson, T.C. Kind, B Hines, "Comparing USLE Derived Potential Erosion Estimates, National Resource Inventory Data versus Classified Landsat TM Data and Digital Soil Information," SCSA National Meeting, August, 1985.
  9. Schmidt, L.T. and B.I. Naugle, A Comparison of Classification Techniques Using LANDSAT Thematic Mapper and Multispectral Scanner Data, for Landcover Classification, In: PROCEEDINGS, AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, ISBN-0-937294-660-7, pp.683-685, 1985.
  10. Shelby, L., J.L. Benson, and T.C. Kind, "The Integration of Remotely Sensed Data into a Computerized Petroleum Exploration Model: The Illinois Basin." TECHNICAL PAPERS, 1985 ACSM/ASPRS FALL CONVENTION, Indianapolis, Indiana, pp.557-572, 1985.
  11. Shelby, V.L., "The Integration of Remotely Sensed Data into a Petroleum Exploration Model: The Illinois Basin," ASPRS National Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, September, 1985.
  12. Usdansky, S.I. "GRCHEM: A BASIC Program to Calculate Granite Chemistry from Modal Mineralogy," COMPUTERS AND GEOSCIENCES, V.11,P.229-233,1985.
  13. Usdansky, S.I., A BASIC Program to Aid in Construction of Metamorphic Facies Diagrams," COMPUTERS AND GEOSCIENCES, v.11, p.483-491.1985.
  14. Usdansky, S.I., and R.H. Groshong, "Computer-generated Models of Fault Ramp Evolution," GSA ABS. PROG.,v.17, p.139, 1985.
  15. Usdansky, S.O., and R.H. Groshong,Jr., "Duplex Development in Imbricate Thrust Systems," J.ALA. ACAD.SCI., v.56, p.99, 1985.
  16. Usdansky, S.I., and N.L. Green, "Geochemical Evidence for the Origin of Actinolitic Hornblende in Hillabee Greenstone Metacite," GSA ABS. PROG., v.17, p.140. 1985.


  1. Carstens, K., T.C. Kind, and N.V. Weber, "The Application of Remote Sensing in Cultural Resource Management: Archeology," In LABORATORY MANUAL FOR INTRODUCTION TO REMOTE SENSING OF THE ENVIRONMENT, B. Richason, Editor, 2nd ed., December, 1984 .
  2. Gesch, D.B. and B.I. Naugle, An Analysis of the Utility of Thematic Mapper Data and Digital Elevation Model Data for Predicting Soil Erosion, In: PROCEEDINGS, MACHINE PROCESSING OF REMOTELY SENSED DATA SYMPOSIUM, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, ISBN-O-931682-17-7, pp. 260-265, 1984 .
  3. Hines, P., T. Kind, B.I. Naugle, J. Mikulcikl, and N. Weber, "A Comparative Analysis of the Accuracy and Use of Landsat TM and MSS in Mapping Land Cover in western Kentucky," (Poster Session), Soil Conservation Society of America, National Meeting; Oklahoma; July, 1984.
  4. Kind, T., N.Weber, "The Utility of DEM Data as Compared to Landsat TM and Other Conventional Data Sources in Lineament Mapping," (Poster Session), Tenth International Symposium Machine Processing of Remotely Sensed Data; Purdue University; West Lafayette, Indiana, June, 1984.
  5. Mikulcik, J., B. Naugle, T. Kind, and N. Weber, "County Reliable Land Cover and Soil Erosion Inventories," The Forum in Remote Sensing and Land Information Systems in the Tennessee Valley Region; Chattanooga, Tennessee; October, 1984.
  6. Naugle, B.I., Deriving Useful Slope Information from DEM Data in Areas of Relief, Mid-South Region Meeting of the American Society for Photogrammetry, Chattanooga, Tennessee, 1984.
  7. Naugle, B.I., A Comparative Analysis of the Accuracy and Use of the LANDSAT TM and MSS in Mapping Land Cover in Western Kentucky, (Poster Session), Soil Conservation Society of America National Meeting, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 1984.


  1. Carstens, K., T. C. Kind, N.V. Weber, "The Application of Remote Sensing to Cultural Resources Management: Archeology," INTRODUCTION TO REMOTE SENSING OF THE ENVIRONMENT, B. Richason, Editor, 2nd ed., Kendall-Hunt Pub. Co., Chapter 14, 1983.
  2. Carstens, K., T. C. Kind, and N.V. Weber, "Utilizing Remote Sensing in Cultural Resources Management,: Workshop on Applied Remote Sensing, Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting; Denver, Colorado; April 24, 1983.
  3. Kind, T.C., and N.V. Weber, "Lineament Analysis of a Portion of the Mississippi Embayment of West Kentucky," Annual Meeting of the National Council for Geographic Education; Ocho Rios, Jamaica; October 27, 1983.
  4. Mikulcik, J., B.I. Naugle, N.V. Weber, and T.C. Kind, "Comparing Landsat Data with NRI Data for Accuracy and Estimating Soil Erosion Potential with Landsat Data and Digitized Soil Information," Soil Conservation Society of America, National Meeting, July, 1983.
  5. Naugle, B.I., et al., Remote Sensing Education at Universities, Panel discussion at Machine Processing of Remotely Sensed Data Symposium, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 1983.
  6. Naugle, B.I., J.D. Mikulcik, T.C. Kind, and B. Hines, Land Cover and Potential Erosion Analysis of the Jackson Purchase Area of Kentucky Using Earth Resources Laboratory Applications Software, Abstract in PROCEEDINGS, MACHINE PROCESSING OF REMOTELY SENSED DATA SYMPOSIUM,Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, ISBN-0-931682- 16-9,P. 84, 1983.
  7. Naugle, B. I., T. C. Kind, J. Mikulcik,and N.V. Weber, "Monitoring Land Cover with Digitally Processed Landsat Thematic Mapper Data," Ninth International Symposium, Machine Processing of Remotely Sensed Data, Natural Resources Evaluation, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, June, 1983.
  8. Weber, N.V., editor, COMPENDIUM FROM THE WORKSHOP ON APPLIED REMOTE SENSING, Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting; Denver, Colorado, April 24, 1983.


  1. Kind, T. C., "Remote Sensing Laboratory Manual," (Invited Book Review). PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING & REMOTE SENSING, 46:a, 1982.
  2. Kind, T. C., "ELAS-The Earth Resources Laboratory Analysis System,"(invited presentation) Digital Cartography & Remote Sensing Conference, University of North Carolina,Greensboro, March 1982.
  3. Kind, T. C., "Applications of Remote Sensing in Geology" (invited presentation) Marietta Geological Society, Marietta College, February 1982.
  4. Naugle, B.I., Automatic Optimization of Waste Load Allocation, Presented at Kentucky Academy of Sciences, Â鶹Éç State University, 1982.
  5. Weber, N.V., "Developing a User-Oriented Computerized Data Base system in a Developing Nation: The Egyptian Experience," First International Information Conference, in Egypt, American and Egyptian Societies of Information Science; Cairo,Egypt; December 13-15, 1982.
  6. Weber, N.V., "Developing a User-Oriented Computerized Data Base System in a Developing Nation - The Egyptian Experience," PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION CONFERENCE IN EGYPT, American and Egyptian Societies of Information Science; Cairo, Egypt, 1982.


  1. Carstens, K., T. C. Kind, and N.V. Weber, "Aerial Photographic Interpretation: A Predictive Archeological Study for Kentucky's Jackson Purchase Region, Annual Meeting of the Kentucky Archeological Association, Inc.; Â鶹Éç, Kentucky; June 1981.
  2. Carstens, K., Kind, T. C., and N.V. Weber,"The Earth Resources Laboratory Applications Software (ELAS) in University Research and Education: An Operator-Oriented Geobased Information System," CORSE-81, The 1981 Conference on Remote Sensing Education; Purdue University; West Lafayette, Indiana, May, 1981.
  3. Carstens, K., Kind, T.C., and N.V. Weber,"Geographic Information Systems and Land Use Planning," Green River Archeological Site Management Conference; Shakertown, Kentucky;June,1981.
  4. Carstens, K., Kind, T.C., and N.V. Weber, "Using Remote Sensing in a Predictive Archeological Model: The Jackson Purchase Region,Kentucky," Pecora VII Symposium; Sioux Falls, South Dakota; October 21, 1981.
  5. Friedman, J., T. C. Kind, and N.V. Weber, "Synthetic Generation of Hybrid Digital/Optical Images,"PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM ON THEMATIC MAPPING FROM RESULTS OF REMOTE SENSING, Groupepour le Development de la Teledetection Aerospatial (GDTA), Belvedere - 11 Blvd., des Recalles; Tulouse, France, June 26, 1981.
  6. Kind, T. C., Applications of Remote Sensing Technology," (invited presentation) Annual Meeting of Kentucky Dean's of Continuing Education, Louisville, KY, October, 1981.
  7. Weber, N.V., "Applications of Geographic Information Systems in Resource Planning," (Poster Session),Second Landsat/Geobased Information System Symposium, ERL/NSTL-NASA; Biloxi, Mississippi; June, 1981.
  8. Weber, N.V., "The Projects, Activities, and Goals of the Â鶹Éç State Mapping Applications Resource Center," Fourth Annual Kentucky Environmental Conference, Kentucky Department of Natural Resources, Louisville, Kentucky; September 30 - October 2, 1981.


  1. Kind, T. C., and W.A. Franklin. "Land Cover Map of TVA's Land-Between-the-Lakes," (cover photograph), PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSING, 46:5, 1980.
  2. Kind, T. C.,and N.V.Weber,"West Kentucky Land Cover Classification Project: A Study of the Utility of LANDSAT Multispectral Data Processing in Water Quality Management," Abstract, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1980 SYMPOSIUM ON WATER RESOURCES IN KENTUCKY, Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute, Univ. of KY, p.91, 1980.
  3. Naugle, B.I.; Ross, I.J.; Taraba, J.L. and Cromwell, G.L. The Dynamics of the Ensiling of Swine Waste with Ground Shelled Corn, In: PROCEEDINGS: FOURTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LIVESTOCK WASTE MANAGEMENT, Amarillo, Texas, 1980 .
  4. Weber, N.V., in collaboration with Gail S. Dowty, et. al., "Project EFFECT-Energy for the Future:Education, Conversation, and Training, "MEETING ENERGY WORKFORCE NEEDS,pp.194-205, (Information Dynamics, Inc.; Silver Springs, Maryland),1980.
  5. Weber, N.V., "West Kentucky Land Cover Classification Project: A Study of the Utility of Landsat Multispectral Data Processing in Water Quality Management, "Remote Sensing for Resource Management Conference; Kansas City, Missouri; October 28-30, 1980.
  6. Weber, N.V., et al., "Using a Geographic Information System in a Problem Solving Context: Calloway County, Kentucky," 66th Annual Meeting, Kentucky Academy of Science; Lexington, Kentucky, November 7-8, 1980.

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