
Promotions and Transfers

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EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 1993
REVISED FROM: February 17, 1990


Developing effective incentives for employee initiative and ambition is of major concern to the University. One of the most successful ways for departments to obtain skilled and experienced employees is to encourage advancement opportunities through transfers and promotions. When they meet all qualifications prescribed for the new position, 麻豆社 State University employees are encouraged to apply for job vacancies which would result in a promotion or transfer.

Transfer or promotion within a department or from one department to another may be made. Careful consideration should be given to the benefits which can be derived for both the employee and the University.

  1. Definitions

    1. Promotion is defined as the movement of an employee from one position to another position of a higher pay grade or salary.

    2. Transfer is defined as the movement of an employee from one position to another position at the same pay grade level or similar salary.

  2. Requirements

    1. An employee must normally have completed at least six (6) consecutive months of employment in the current position before being eligible for transfer or promotion. The Director of Human Resources shall have the authority to waive the six (6) months requirement where circumstances indicate that an exception would serve the best interests of the University. See also Probationary Period.

    2. The employee must have the qualifications specified in the position specifications for the new position.

  3. Promotion and Transfer Procedures

    1. Within a Department

      1. Promotions and transfers within a department may be effected if the employee meets all of the designated requirements for the vacant position. Approval to fill the vacancy must be obtained by the department before transfers or promotions can be initiated. The transfer or promotion may be effected without advertising the vacant position.

      2. Requests to transfer employees within a department should be made to the department chair or administrative director by the supervisor. The department chair or administrative director shall initiate such transfers by completing and forwarding the Notice of Personnel Action Form through the proper channels.

    2. Between Departments

      Requests for transfer or promotion may be initiated by department chairs or administrative directors but must be coordinated through Human Resources when two departments are involved.

    3. When Initiated by the Employee

      1. An employee may seek a promotion or transfer by applying through Human Resources for any posted position vacancy which meets his/her qualifications.

      2. The employee may contact Human Resources to discuss promotion and transfer possibilities at any time.

      3. Notification to Supervisor

        1. In the overall interest of a satisfactory employment relationship, it is recommended that an employee initially discuss his/her interest in transfer with the current supervisor. Such discussions allow the employee the opportunity to communicate his/her career goals and/or provide the supervisor reasonable time to assess the possible transfer in light of the needs of the department and the needs of the employee.

        2. In any event, it shall be the responsibility of the employee to arrange with the present supervisor for the time needed, if any, for interviews during work hours. Such reasonable time off the job shall not be charged to the employee's leave balances. Such time shall not be arbitrarily withheld.

  4. Administrative Procedures

    1. When an employee is transferred or promoted into another department, the current department and the new department must mutually determine the effective date of the transfer.

    2. A Notice of Personnel Action Form must be submitted and approved for every employee transferred or promoted. Such form must be submitted far enough in advance (normally one week) to allow time for the final approval prior to the effective date of action.

    3. When the transfer or promotion is to another department, the new department must initiate the Notice of Personnel Action Form and obtain the signature of the department chair or administrative director of the old department. The Notice of Personnel Action Form should then be forwarded through the appropriate channels of the new department to Human Resources.

  5. Transfer of Accrued Vacation and Sick Leave
    The transferred or promoted employee shall retain all accumulated vacation and sick leave from his/her previous position if the transfer or promotion is to a position eligible for these benefits. The Notice of Personnel Action Form initiating the transfer or promotion must include the amount of accrued vacation and sick leave at the time of transfer or promotion. NOTE: Grants and contracts cannot assume accrued vacation and sick leave. Therefore, accrued vacation will be paid to the employee at the time of the transfer and accrued sick leave will be placed in the employee's file in Human Resources and reinstated if or when the employee transfers to a non-grant or non-contract position.

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