
Registration Add Errors

While registering for classes, you may receive one or more error messages. Review the error
message below for more information.

Classification Restriction

Some courses are set up to only allow students with specific classifications (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) to register for those sections. To determine what classification is allowed to register for that particular section, click on the CRN, then click on the course title. Restrictions will be listed near the bottom of the page. You can verify your classification on the Academic Profile channel on your myGate, Academics tab.

Closed Class

All classes have enrollment caps (maximum number of students allowed to register for that specific course/section. If you receive this error, you (1) should search for an open section of the course, (2) contact the instructor for a closed class override, or (3) contact your academic advisor to discuss other class alternatives. 
If you contact the instructor for an override and the instructor has approved your request, the instructor will apply the override through their myGate on your account, notify you, and then you will need to add the course on your myGate by the registration deadline. You will add the course by typing in the CRN in the Add Classes Worksheet section and clicking the SUBMIT CHANGES button.


Corequisite courses are courses that must be taken in the same semester. If you receive a corequisite error, you have attempted to register for one of these courses without the corresponding required corequisite course. In order to register for this course, you must also add the corequisite course at the same time.
NOTE: If you have completed the corequisite course at another institution and the transcript is not yet on file, request the official transcript to be sent to MSU Transfer Center immediately.
Step-by-step instructions can be found under "Registration Add Errors" on Racer One Stop Self-Service.

Field of Study/Major Restriction

Some courses or course sections are set up to be restricted by major. These courses or sections will only allow students with certain majors to register for those specific CRNs. Click on the CRN to view the restrictions on student majors.

Instructor Permission

Some courses require the permission of the instructor before any student is permitted to register for those specific courses. Contact the instructor of that course/section and ask for an instructor permission override. If approved, the instructor will add the override, notify you, and then you will need to add the course on myGate yourself by the registration deadline.
NOTE: You will only be allowed to register for the specific class/section that the instructor approved.
You may add the course by typing in the CRN in the Add Classes Worksheet section and clicking the SUBMIT CHANGES button or you may register for the class by searching for the class and clicking on the checkbox next to the appropriate class and clicking the REGISTER button.


Courses ranging from 000-599 are classified as undergraduate-level courses. Courses 600+ are classified as graduate-level courses. The registration system is set up to prevent students from registering for classes that are not the correct level. Undergraduate students may only take undergraduate-level courses. Graduate students may take both undergraduate and graduate level courses.
If you are an undergraduate student (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, post-baccalaureate), you will need to contact your advisor for assistance in selecting a different course. You may only register for courses 000-599.
If you have been admitted into the accelerated graduate program, please complete the online.

Link Course Required

Several courses, especially science courses, will have a linked laboratory. If you receive the Link Course Required error, you have attempted to register for one of these courses without the corresponding required lab.
Click on the CRN of the course and then click on "View Catalog Entry". Review the course description to see if this course requires a laboratory or a corequisite course.
Step-by-step instructions on how to register for linked courses can be found under "Registration Add Errors" on Racer One Stop Self-Service. 

Maximum Hours Exceeded

The maximum course load for students in good standing is 19 semester hours for undergraduate students and 13 hours for graduate students. Students on Academic Warning, Academic Probation, or Probation Continued are not permitted to register for more than 16 semester hours. It is not possible to register for more than the maximum number of hours via myGate without special permission.
If you would like to register for more than your maximum number of hours, consult with your academic advisor and review the minimum requirements to be eligible for an overload of hours. If your advisor approves, you must complete and submit a Course Overload form to the Office of the Registrar by the registration deadline.

Prereq Not Met

Some courses have prerequisites. Prerequisites are requirements that must be met before a student is permitted to register for a course. Examples of prerequisite requirements may include the following:

  • ACT or other test score minimum
  • Other course completion
  • Other course completion with a minimum grade

Click the CRN of the course and then click on the course title. Review the PREREQUISITES section of the detailed class information.
If you think you have met the prerequisites, review your academic transcript on your Academics tab in myGate to verify. Follow up with your academic advisor if you need further assistance or clarification.
If you are confident in your ability to succeed in this course without the prerequisite, contact the instructor to request a prerequisite override.

Student Attribute Restriction

Some courses are set up to require certain student attributes before any student is permitted to register for those specific courses. Student attributes include: admitted to programs (such as teacher education, OSH, Nursing, etc.). 
Click on the CRN of the course and then click on "View Catalog Entry". Review the course description to see if this course has an admission requirement.
If you feel like you have met the admission requirement for that course, please contact your academic advisor to verify. If you have not been admitted to that program, you will need to select a different course.

Time Conflict

Most courses are offered at specific times/days. The registration system is set up to prevent students from registering for classes that overlap times/days. When you attempt to register for a class that overlaps another class on your schedule, you will receive a time conflict error message.
Review your current schedule to see what days/times you have class. Go to your ACADEMICS tab and click on the MY SCHEDULE - VIEW/PRINT from your Registration Tools Channel. You may also use MY SCHEDULE - WEEK AT A GLANCE to view your schedule in a calendar format.
Use your schedule to review the time conflicts and to help you with checking for other potential conflicts with course(s) or section(s) you may want to add. You now have a few options on how to proceed:

  1. Use the class search feature to search for a different section of the course you wanted to register for, but were unsuccessful.
  2. If the time time conflict is 15 minutes or less, you may be able to obtain permission (form required) from one of the instructors to arrive or leave class early.
  3. Use the class search feature to search for a different section of the course currently on your schedule. You'll want to use this option if the course you wanted to add, but couldn't, only had one section available/open.
  4. If the course you wanted to add was an elective and you are open to looking for a different course, talk to your academic advisor to see what other courses may be good fits for your degree program.

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