
Mathematics/Secondary Certification Area

This area program prepares the student to teach mathematics and statistics in a high school setting. The program has a lot of flexibility, as courses related to the application of mathematics may be chosen from a wide variety of disciplines, including mathematics or statistics.

Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Arts Degree

Graduation Requirements:

Note: Certification requires a grade of B or better in the following University Studies courses: one English composition course, a mathematics course and a public speaking course.

A minimum grade of B is required in EDU 180, 280, 380, 480, and 485.

A minimum 2.75 GPA is required.

Additional requirements for admission to teacher education and student teaching must be met. See advisor and/or Office of Teacher Education Services for details.

EDU 480 must be taken with SEC 420 two semesters before student teaching.

EDU 485 and SEC 422 must be taken one semester before student teaching.

University Studies Requirements: 32-41 hrs
(see University Studies section in )

University Studies selections must include:

  • MAT 250 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I
  • PSY 180 General Psychology

Required Courses: 31 hrs

  • MAT 100T Transitions
  • MAT 308 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II
  • MAT 309 Calculus and Analytic Geometry III
  • MAT 312 Mathematical Reasoning
  • MAT 335 Matrix Theory and Linear Algebra
  • MAT 417 Foundations of Geometry
  • MAT 451 Mathematics for Teachers
  • MAT 452 Teaching Mathematics
  • STA 253 Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis
  • STA 440 Mathematical Statistics I

Required Limited Electives: 18-20 hrs

Complete at least one of the following:

  • MAT 513 Modern Algebra I
  • MAT 516 Introduction to Topology
  • MAT 525 Advanced Calculus I

and at least one of the following:

  • MAT 442 Introduction to Numerical Analysis
  • MAT 506 Mathematical Modeling I
  • MAT 524 Boundary Value Problems
  • STA 541 Mathematical Statistics II

and at least and 3 credits from:

  • MAT 338 Ordinary Differential Equations, or
  • courses from MAT or STA 400-599

and 9-12 credits (3 class) in 400-level or above courses related to the application of mathematics selected from a list approved by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Co-requirement: 3 hrs
One course in computer programming selected from

  • CSC 145 Introduction to Programming
  • CSC 232 Introduction to Programming in C#
  • CSC 233 Programming in Python
  • CSC 235 Programming in C++

Required for Secondary Certification in Mathematics: 33 hrs

Earn a minimum grade of B in the following:

  • EDU 180 Exploring the Teaching Profession
  • EDU 280 Educating for Human Development
  • EDU 380 Inclusive Teaching of Diverse Learners
  • EDU 480 Effective Pedagogy
  • EDU 485 Professional Perspectives for Teaching

Complete the following:

  • SEC 420 Practicum in Secondary Schools
  • SEC 421 Student Teaching in the Secondary School
  • SEC 422 Extended Practicum

Total Credits: 78-85 hrs

Total Curriculum Requirements: 120 hrs

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