
Frequently Asked Questions

Is the university prepared to handle major emergencies on campus?

Yes, while no community can fully anticipate every possible emergency, planning helps ensure the university is ready to respond in the event of a crisis. This website serves as a resource for preparing the campus community to take appropriate actions during an emergency.

What is the University doing to protect students, faculty and staff?

University officials have implemented a number of initiatives.

  • Racer Alert

  • LiveSafe

  • Blackboard Connect

  • Weather Sirens

  • Annual EOP Review

Effective relationships are well established with many local, state and federal agencies.

How will I know if the University closes?

The university rarely closes. However, if changes are necessary, we will provide specific instructions via Racer Alert, email to the university community, local television station. Additionally, we will post of the Â鶹Éç State Homepage.

What can I do to be prepared?

There are several things each of us can do:

  • Remain calm — Do not panic.

  • Stay tuned to radio or television stations for updated information.

  • Review Emergency Procedures

  • Download and use the LiveSafe App

  • Learn the evacuation routes for the buildings you frequent. Become familiar with all exits around you.

  • Monitor sensitive areas.

  • Report suspicious and/or unauthorized persons to Â鶹Éç State Police (call 911 from a campus phone or MSUPD (270.809.2222) from a cell phone.)

  • Secure building maintenance areas and loading docks.

  • Keep offices and residence hall rooms locked when unattended.

  • Immediately report suspicious or unattended packages, containers or vehicles; signs of break-ins or attempted unauthorized entries; or unusual odors or substances to Â鶹Éç State Police.

  • Use the buddy system. Never go somewhere alone, especially at night.

  • Know the location of fire extinguishers.

  • Talk with your family about how you'll communicate with one another in an emergency.

  • User care, caution, common sense and control.

What if I am an international student or staff? What do I need to know?

The University's Institute for International Studies is a excellent resource for all international students and staff. They also have additional information and for faculty, staff and students planning international travel.

Who can I talk to if I feel anxious?

There are a number of services available to students, faculty and staff, as well as those who support others in need:

What should I do if I see something suspicious or unusual on campus?

Immediately contact Â鶹Éç State Police Department and report the situation.

Take the next step

© Â鶹Éç State University Department of Web ManagementWe are Racers.